Thursday, February 10, 2011

SMS Forwards - Special People

We dont lose special people as long as we hold them in our hearts. I hope you will hold me in your heart just the way i am holding you.

SMS Forwards - Jealousy

A little jealousy is good in relationships. Its always nice to know that someone is afraid of losing you.

SMS Forwards - Our Mind

Our mind is a great cheater in the world. It makes thousands of different excuses to go by its own way.

SMS Forwards - Mountain and Confidence

A mountain is not higher than your confidence ... because it will be under your feet, if you reach the top.

SMS Forwards - The First Button

If the 1 button in a shirt is put wrong, every button with go wrong. Always take up the first step carefully and achieve your goal or else ......... Wear T-Shirt hehe

SMS Forwards - Heart

Heart is not a basket for keeping tension and sadness.... Its a golden box for keeping roses of happiness. Let your heart be always happy.

SMS Forwards - Be careful

Be careful in your thoughts when you are alone and Be careful with your words when you are in a crowd !!!

SMS Forwards - Friendship

Friendship is like a ring. If you wear it, it will hold our finger tightly and if we remove it, its impression on finger surely make us to feel its absence.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

SMS Forwards - Hell and Heaven

God has filled both Heaven and Hell with love ....
'If you love others, its Heaven and if you expect love from others its Hell'

SMS Forwards

B4 U Pray - Forgive
B4 U Criticize - Wait
B4 U Speak - Listen
B4 U Spend - Earn
B4 U Write - Think
B4 U Quit - Try
B4 U Die - Live !!!!
This is the WAY 2 LIVE LIFE

SMS Forwards

Full forms :
WIFE : Without Information Fighting Everytime
LOVER : Loss Of Valuable Energy and Rupees
FRIEND : First Relationship in Earth that Never Die